Radio Noshim Mizrahit, the first oriental music station founded in 2003, the oldest and best known, broadcasts oriental and Mediterranean music 24 hours a day on the Internet and on mobile phones.The station was established in 2003 in order to promote the Eastern Mediterranean genre in IsraelOver the years the station grew and became the most influential music station in the genreDozens of singers developed and passed on the radio and dozens of broadcasters grew up in the home of Eastern music.At Radio Nashim Mizrahit you can listen to diverse radio programs with a team of broadcasterswhich broadcasts to you leisure and entertainment programs, a testimony program,Modern and nostalgic Mediterranean music, music programs and song requests.Every Friday you can listen to radio programs in honor of Shabbat and at night you can listenFor quiet music until the morning hours!To send an e-mail, you can write in the e-mail box on the website.